Events are 3rd Tuesdays at 7 PM - individual event details below
Santa Margarita Community Room, 2 Civic Center Dr, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Directions
Hybrid on Zoom - see entry above or below for registration link
Upcoming events
We're back to a hybrid format this month. Come join us on Zoom or in Scotts Valley!
Past Events
7/18/2023: New Beginnings
Thanks to the 11 of you who showed up - eight in person, three on Zoom - for our inaugural event! We had time to hear seven stories, with each Storyteller getting a round of Fast Feedback. It was nice to meet first-timers Ron Cline and Karen Solomon, and welcome back Frisco Dorr-Pozos, Jonathan Hulsh, and Daniel Jadick from TM days to the fold!
We also learned Moth Storytelling Do's and Dont's - these tips are valuable!
Several potential attendees were indeed feeling the heat - sick or otherwise - and Zoom tech challenges arose, but five brave Storytellers beat the heat and shared their very cool stories. No worries - we'll bounce back again in September!
9/19/2023: Failure/Resilience
We had a nice event with seven attendees - everyone shared a story! Featured Opener Jonathan Hulsh warmed us up with his story of "Redemption," and we finished with first-time attendee Joy Kutaka-Kennedy and her story of loss and renewal. With plenty of Fast Feedback shared, it was a successful experience for all.
On 10/17/1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake shook Santa Cruz County with a vengeance. Real or metaphorical, earthquakes can shake us to the core, then take us from the initial shock, through damage assessment, and finally to recovery and renewal.
How have earthquakes in your life affected you? Come share your story with us on the 34th anniversary of the Big One in these parts.
Featured Opener: TBD
11/21/2023: Gratitude
Most of us have a lot to be thankful for, even if we can't always recognize it every day. This time of year is an opportunity to look back and express our Gratitude for all that we have, especially when it comes to family and friends. Come express your Gratitude with us in story form!
We'll be having our monthly event Tuesday, 2/20 at 7 PM on Zoom only. There's no particular topic or agenda - just an informal gathering of storytellers.
Bring any story up to 7 minutes long that you please, and be sure to invite any friends, loved ones or colleagues you think may be interested.
See you there!
We'll be having our monthly event Tuesday, 3/19 at 7 PM on Zoom only. There's no particular topic or agenda - just an informal gathering of storytellers.
Bring any story up to 7 minutes long that you please, and be sure to invite any friends, loved ones or colleagues you think may be interested.
See you there!