


831 Storytellers started off as an idea - recognizing the value of incorporating Storytelling within Toastmasters in the Monterey Bay area.  Our first meeting in April 2015 led to immediate chartering, and for five years we prospered within the Toastmasters system.

When the pandemic appeared and we went online, participation dropped and the meetings became less dynamic without the benefit of in-person attendance.  Others left due to needing to fulfill unrelated Toastmaster goals that took away from the core mission of telling stories and developing associated Storytelling skills.

In June 2023, the decision was made to go back to the basics: no membership, no dues, and no goals other than sharing stories with round-robin feedback to get better at enriching this essential part of the human experience.  

With technology, we can share either in person or online - it's the best of both worlds!



Event format

Each event is run by the Event MC, who introduces the meeting topic, the evening's Storytellers, feedback participants, and shares a way to enhance one's Storytelling.  

A Timer makes sure Storytellers and round-robin Fast Feedback participants stay within time limits.

The Hybrid Tech Team makes sure the in-room computer, Zoom system and TV equipment run smoothly for in-person and online attendees.

Currently our meetings are completely informal, with no topics or roles.  Come with a story to tell - that's all you need to know!